Attending the Global Education Technology Summit in Calgary was an opportunity that I could not pass up. I was invited as the sketchnoter in residence to try and capture an artifact of the entire event. A daunting task considering I normally fill a page after a 30–45-minute session, never mind over a four-day event. The task was a welcomed one for me. SMART Technologies is not just any EdTech Company.

SMART believes in making Connections that Matter. I know that sounds like a slogan, but it is central to SMART’s business practice. It is their core value, everyone that works there knows that we are infinitely enhanced by genuine human connection that makes whatever we do more meaningful. Their technology solutions are designed to uncover the greatness in every learner. They do that by connecting first to understand the needs of students, teachers, schools, and districts.
The event showcased global leaders in Education Technology, from instruction, to suppliers, distributors, and directors. Everyone there shared their personal story for how they were able to implement SMART solutions in a big way. The focus was to learn from each other. Successes and challenges met knowing nods and affirmations as leaders realized the challenges faced in Alabama, and Texas mirrored the obstacles experienced in Spain and England.

Individual learning continues as the ideas and stories marinate in the memory of the event. SMART is now embarking on a partnership with the N50 Project. They have become the missing link to fuel the N50 EdTech Equity Initiative. Their work will expand in September to India and I am eager to watch that partnership grow. If you are not familiar with N50 and the good work they do take a look and be inspired.