What is your remedy for what the world needs now?
We have all had a moment when we have thought; “If only this world had more ….” Well I am asking you to name those essentials so that we can fill our pantries with positives. Get ready to sketch, doodle, and draw. This is another idea for spreading peace one doodle at a time. Sketch a jar and decide what you think is most needed to heal the world (earth, society, education, teachers, family, politics…) today. Share the image with me either on the Padlet, in the Google folder, on Instagram or Twitter and I will compile the images to create a gif for all of us to share. Keep your drawing nearby to give you what you need on the daily. Heck, give it away often, and share the essentials with your community. Tag @lorrainekasyan or @peacedoodle and use the hashtag #remedyjars2020. Let’s inspire one another through surprise and intention.
Join me. During this uncertain moment share your own creative idea for what the world (or ‘fill in the blank’) needs now more than ever. Label the jar with the word or fill the jar with icons representing the thought. I will build us a movie and share it far and wide so that everyone, in every nation, can fill their pantries with virtual essentials that will surely heal our world.
I have drawn and shared a template here – and I shared this image of a jar of thimbles during “Inktober 2016.” It was my hope for a writing idea at the time – a jar of inspiration!
Copy away from the template (make a copy of this file) and share back to the world. Goodness knows we need it.

Thanks for joining me always.