International Day of Peace 2020

Get involved and share your creations with us. September 21st the International Day of Peace was Established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution 36/37. The theme for the International Day of Peace in 2020 is “Shaping Peace Together” The theme celebrates the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This year “Covid-19 …

Enhancing Student Engagement and Retention Through Sketchnoting


What is your situation in this year of a Global Pandemic? Whether digital, analog, remote, face 2 face, in person, or blended – all students will benefit from visual notetaking. Take the power of visual images and empower your students to remember what they are learning. Whether creating an icon library for a specific subject, …

International Day of Peace 2021

The United Nations celebrates #peaceday every year on September 21st. This year we participate by collecting and sharing ideas for recovering better from the COVID-19 Pandemic to create a more sustainable and equitable world. Entries are welcome on our community Padlet. Participation in Social Media should use #peaceday and #peacedoodleSept21 hashtags - even if you …

Let’s Doodle – Digital Notetaking for a Global Classroom

A workshop offered in collaboration with Go Global NC alumni, current, and interested teachers of all subject. 2 hours of learning about the what, why, and how of sketchnoting with lots of time to draw together.


Gobal Education Technology Summit

SMART Global Education Technology Summit 2024. Calgary and Banff Canada. Sketchnoter in Residence. Asked to capture the overall takeaways from a four day event.

International Sketchnote Camp 24, Texas

Since 2017, sketchnoters and visual thinkers have gathered together to share their passion and insight into this creative movement. Volunteer groups across Europe have dedicated many hours and used their talents to bring six International Sketchnote Camps to life. This year the event will be held here in the United States. Hosted by Prof Michael …